Installing Language Pack in Windows 10/11 with PowerShell

In modern versions of Windows 11 22H2 and Windows 10 21H2+, you can use PowerShell to install and manage language packs and language interface language packs (LIPs). In previous builds of Windows, the only way to add or remove language packs was to use the classic Control Panel or Settings user interface (quick URI access command: ms-settings:regionlanguage ).

In recent versions of Windows, a built-in PowerShell module LanguagePackManagement has been added. You can use the cmdlets from this module to install an optional Windows language pack and set your preferred language for the Windows user interface.

The LanguagePackManagement module is currently only available in Windows desktop versions and not on Windows Server 2022/2019.

You can view a list of available cmdlets in the module:

Get-Command -Module LanguagePackManagement

LanguagePackManagement module on Windows 11

Let’s look at the list of available language packs on a computer running Windows 10:

In this example, only the German language pack is installed on Windows ( Language Packs = LpCab ). The English language is available as an input language only.

Language Language Packs Language Features -------- -------------- ----------------- de-DE LpCab BasicTyping, Handwriting, Speech, TextToSpeech, OCR en-US None BasicTyping, Handwriting, OCR


Run the following command to add the English language pack on Windows:

Install-Language -Language en-US

Windows downloads and installs the specified language pack and additional components from Microsoft servers.

install language on windows with powershell

Full list of available language packs for Windows:

Tag Description
ar-SAArabic (Saudi Arabia)
bn-BDBangla (Bangladesh)
bn-INBangla (India)
cs-CZCzech (Czech Republic)
da-DKDanish (Denmark)
de-ATAustrian German
de-CH“Swiss” German
de-DEStandard German
el-GRModern Greek
en-AUAustralian English
en-CACanadian English
en-GBBritish English
en-IEIrish English
en-INIndian English
en-NZNew Zealand English
en-USUS English
en-ZAEnglish (South Africa)
es-ARArgentine Spanish
es-CLChilean Spanish
es-COColombian Spanish
es-ESCastilian Spanish (Central-Northern Spain)
es-MXMexican Spanish
es-USAmerican Spanish
fi-FIFinnish (Finland)
fr-BEBelgian French
fr-CACanadian French
fr-CH“Swiss” French
fr-FRStandard French (France)
he-ILHebrew (Israel)
hi-INHindi (India)
hu-HUHungarian (Hungary)
id-IDIndonesian (Indonesia)
it-CH“Swiss” Italian
it-ITStandard Italian (Italy)
jp-JPJapanese (Japan)
ko-KRKorean (Republic of Korea)
nl-BEBelgian Dutch
nl-NLStandard Dutch Netherlands)
no-NONorwegian (Norway)
pl-PLPolish (Poland)
pt-BRBrazilian Portuguese
pt-PTEuropean Portuguese (Portugal)
ro-RORomanian (Romania)
fr-frRussian (Russian Federation)
sk-SKSlovak (Slovakia)
sv-SESwedish (Sweden)
ta-INIndian Tamil
ta-LKSri Lankan Tamil
th-THThai (Thailand)
tr-TRTurkish (Turkey)
zh-CNMainland China, simplified characters
zh-HKHong Kong, traditional characters
zh-TWTaiwan, traditional characters

There are additional options that you can use with the Install-Language command:

In Windows 11, you can copy the current user’s language and keyboard layout settings and apply them to the Welcome screen and to new users: Copy-UserInternationalSettingsToSystem -WelcomeScreen $true -NewUser $true

To display the preferred Windows interface language:

In this case, German (de-DE) is the current interface language in Windows.

Get-SystemPreferredUILanguage on Windows

Run the following command to set English as your preferred Windows interface language:

Set-SystemPreferredUILanguage -Language en-US

You will need to restart Windows to apply the new language pack.

After the restart, the Windows interface language will change to English.

PowerShell - set display Windows language

To uninstall a language pack that you do not need:

Uninstall-Language -Language fr-FR

If your computer is disconnected from the Internet, you can install additional language packs and components offline using DISM (, mount the ISO image in Windows, and install a language pack and its components using the commands below:

Dism /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"D:\"
Dism /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:D:\LanguagesAndOptionalFeatures\
Dism /Online /Add-Capability /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~fr-fr~ /source:D:\LanguagesAndOptionalFeatures
Dism /Online /Add-Capability /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~fr-fr~ /source:D:\LanguagesAndOptionalFeatures
Dism /Online /Add-Capability /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~fr-fr~ /source:D:\LanguagesAndOptionalFeatures
Dism /Online /Add-Capability /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~fr-fr~ /source:D:\LanguagesAndOptionalFeatures
Dism /Online /Add-Capability /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~fr-fr~ /source:D:\LanguagesAndOptionalFeatures