Online College Magazine Java Project

Online college magazine provides a platform for students to exhibit their talent. This online college magazine can replace the printed version. By this introducing this project students get more knowledge.

Online college magazine is a java based web project where students can share their articles, read various articles, and promote literary insight. Every student can view and post their ideas because this is not a printed magazine as it leads to wastage of paper. Large number of data can be stored without any missing of information.

Online magazine is a user-friendly interactive place for students and faculty. This application maintains all information in a centralized database. students and faculties share their ideas online. Articles posted by students can be searched by anybody in the world.

This application provides a website where students can go through and post their ideas. This will be an open website and everybody can access to view the article posted by students. Any student/faculty In college can give rating to the articles posted. Rating on article creates a strong impact and gives high competition among students.

The objective of this Online College Magazine Java Project is to design and develop a system for the creating and managing an online college magazine where college students and faculties can post and read various articles. To store large data and makes the management’s work easy from data complexity


Guests can read articles, rate them and comment on them. They can also access other optional features but can’t post articles unless they sign in as registered users. Automatic commenting the articles by spammers / automatic bots to be defied.

College students /faculties can only register as members through unique ID’s and old pupils registration to be supported. Registered members ,Moderators and Administrators are allowed to post articles.

Moderators will have associated categories, according to which to be validated articles will be posted to them on their profiles. On rejection, he will have to provide a reason for the same, which will be forwarded to the concerned user. Automatic mails to be sent on rejection/acceptance of articles.

Admin can add / delete moderators. Progress report of moderators will be available to her / him. Admin has all the privileges a moderator has. Can post news which will be visible at the home page.